Working together to support youth clubs and activities for young people.

Opening Doors to Great Futures


Opening Doors
Great Futures

As a national association our mission is to assist and support county organisations and local clubs to provide safe and exciting places for young people, where they can participate in a range of activities and develop their potential through a range of experiences.
By supporting member clubs and county organisations, together we will be able to provide young people with:
An attractive, affordable and planned programme of activities and events.
A safe place to learn and grow.
On-going voluntary relationships with local clubs and county organisations.

Our Mission
man running on side of road
Ambassadors and Champions Clubs

NABGC is developing
Ambassadors and Champions Clubs.

Our Ambassador’s Club is for successful and influential business, community and political leaders who believe in the work we and our members are doing supporting local youth clubs and projects in our most deprived communities.

We look to our Ambassadors to speak out on behalf of our organisation, attract support and bring influence that helps advance our mission of helping young people to thrive.

Our Champions Club seeks to bring together successful athletes, artists, performers and so on who have come through our movement. Perhaps they have been a member at one of the clubs across our movement and / or have taken part in of our tournaments.

Our Champions will provide support to the work we are doing by allowing us to be induct them into our Champions Club, supporting our events when they are able and helping us to connect with former NABGC Champions.

Current members of our Champions Club include

Steve Bunce: Boxing expert, commentator, journalist and broadcaster
Marvin Reece: Elected Mayor of Bristol”

Latest News

Check back for further reports and news about our activities and events.

A new name – World Youth Clubs

We have some exciting news to share that marks a significant milestone for our organization. With the unanimous approval of our Board of Directors, we are amending our name to World[…]

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city view at london

Drop in at the House

NABGC TRUSTEES HOST INFORMATION EVENT AT PARLIAMENT On Tuesday 23rd March the NABGC Trustees hosted a drop in event at the Houses of Parliament. The event was kindly hosted by Tim[…]

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silhouette of people during golden hour

NABGC Teams Together 7th May

Thanks to everyone who joined our April Teams Together call. We hope that you can all grab a coffee, sit down and join us for our May call when we[…]

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Activities for the year ahead


Table Tennis Championship

From 10:30am

At Wragby Reload Centre

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National Finals Dinner Show

National Boxing Championships

At Boreham House

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Activities Page

Our Partners

Follow the links here to find out more.

We are affiliate members of the World Federation.

The UK’s Highest Rated Games Room Retailer

Contact us

Get in touch


Essex Boys and Girls Clubs, Harway House, Meadowside, Rectory Lane, Chelmsford CM1
